when the rebellious rap duo "Kleptos" from 061 shows up, it's time to keep valuables and loved ones close. Besides emptying department stores and other people's pockets, the female robbers, Ronnydanger and Ritasport, particularly enjoy stealing the hearts of all mothers and girlfriends. striking in colorful masks, these bandits not only impress with their criminal energy but also address the wounds of patriarchal structures.
with their music, the rappers aim to empower FINTA* individuals (women, intersex, non-binary, trans, and agender people), as well as queer individuals, and chase away the hated self-satisfied “mackers”.
if you were to ask them how they would describe their music, it would probably be: KLEPTORAP. That means empowerment, electro-bass beats, and sweet but aggressive, loud voices.
available for:
upcoming gigs:
6.12 hamburg
13.12 goethebunker, essen
21.12 ffm
28.12 festsaal kreuzberg, berlin
14.02 mvz wagner, jena
08.03 bremen